Wednesday, August 7, 2013

August Goals

Herewith my writing goals for August.

  1. Read at least one book on writing.
  2. Continue to write every day (at least 250 words)
  3. Summarize my notes from a writing book (this month's or last)
  4. Critique at least 6 submissions
  5. Apply lessons from a writing book to at least 2 stories
  6. Get at least 2 submissions critiqued
  7. Revise two stories
  8. Do a title exercise on at least 1 short story
For (1), I've got a bit of a head start, since I finished one writing book while on vacation, and got the first couple chapters of the next started.  I can't remember if it was at the very end of last month or the start of this one, but I'm going to count it as this month.

I'm excited about the books, both last month's (Million Dollar Outlines) and this month's (Story Engineering).  I'm ready to start analyzing my stories again, and trying to figure out how to improve them even more.

I do plan on submitting at least one story, though I'm not making that an official goal because I don't know how long it's going to take me to work through all the issues found in my current frontrunner for submission.  Now that I have another of my favorites finished, though, perhaps it will get some love as well.

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